Bruschetta with creamed artichokes


1 filone di pane casereccio

Carciofini Coelsanus 

1/2 l di aceto di mele

1/2 spicchio di aglio

1 cucchiaio di zucchero

100 gr di ricotta vaccina o di capra

2 cucchiaini di parmigiano grattugiato

Scaglie di parmigiano

Timo fresco

Sale e pepe

Olio Extra Vergine di oliva


Preparation time:

20 min




Place half a litre of water, the cider vinegar, sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt in a pan and bring to the boil. Add the Coelsanus Baby Artichokes and the garlic. Cook until the artichokes are tender, then drain and allow to cool.

Keep a couple of artichokes to one side to serve as a garnish. Drain the artichokes and blend in a mixer together with the garlic, ricotta, 2 teaspoons of oil, grated Parmesan, salt and pepper.

Toast the sliced crusty bread, drizzle a little oil on the slices and place them under the grill for a couple of minutes. Remove the bread from under the grill and spread the cream of artichokes on them.

Decorate the bruschetta with the remaining artichokes. Finally, sprinkle with flakes of Parmesan cheese and fresh thyme.




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