Uova 2
Carote 200 gr
Cetriolini sott'aceto Coelsanus 50 gr
Capperi lacrimella 1 cucchiaio
Piselli (surgelati) 300 gr
Sale q.b.
Pepe macinato a piacere
Patate 500 gr
Aceto q.b.
Olio di oliva extravergine q.b.
Maionese 300 gr
40 min
Clean and wash the vegetables, dice them and cook separately in boiling salted water. Cook the peas and the hard-boiled eggs in different pans. When cooked, drain the vegetables, place together in a bowl and allow to cool. Pass the eggs under running water, peel the shells and keep aside. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, including the eggs cut into pieces. Add the baby gherkins and drained capers and mix. Add 2/3 of the mayonnaise and mix carefully. Transfer into a serving dish and cover with the remaining mayonnaise. Level with a spatula and serve.