Potato croquettes with pickle salsa


800 g di Patate da lessare

1 Fetta di Prosciutto Crudo (150 g)

5 Uova

3 Cucchiai di Formaggio Parmigiano grattugiato

Farina bianca


1 Grattatina di Noce Moscata

1 Pizzico di Paprica


1 Pizzico di Prezzemolo Tritato

Sottaceti Coelsanus

Abbondante Olio per friggere

1 Filo di Olio d'oliva extra vergine




Boil the potatoes, then peel them and mash with a fork. Bring together in a bowl with the finely chopped prosciutto crudo, salt, pepper, a pinch of paprika, a pinch of grated nutmeg, 3 eggs, and 3 tablespoons of grated cheese.
Prepare two dozen croquettes from the mixture. Pass them through white flour, the beaten eggs (2) and, finally, the breadcrumbs.
Fry the croquettes in plenty of hot oil, drain on kitchen towels and serve hot, accompanied by a sauce made from chopped pickles, a drizzle of oil, Tabasco, and a pinch of chopped parsley.